Are you upbeat or downbeat busy?

I was driving to work and felt stressed because I had a very busy schedule. But when I reflected on the day ahead, it dawned on me that most of the meetings of the day were with fun people addressing topics that were important to me. Yes, I was busy, but I became...

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Coaching, what does that mean?

Sometimes we are in a routine and live our life in a repeatable pattern. As we do this, we may feel that something is not right. Perhaps we are not satisfied, or we are unfulfilled. Perhaps we have recurrent unpleasant experiences, such as conflicts, that we cannot...

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Honey, you are holding a black widow

I spotted a fat black spider sitting in chaotic web in the corner of our kitchen. In order to remove the animal, I picked up the spider with my hand and proudly showed it my lovely wife Idske. She dryly remarked “honey, you are holding a black widow.” I walked over to...

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The Art of Waiting

When my plane arrived at Amsterdam airport, the gate was occupied and our plane had to wait at the apron for the gate to open up. Once we deplaned and cleared immigration, we waited a long time for our luggage. My brother Janwillem picked me up, and I felt bad for him...

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How much pain will you take?

A sharp pain radiated into my leg, walking was extremely painful, and my walk had turned into a pathetic shuffle. I could not believe this happened to me, a fanatic runner who ran an ultra-marathon a year before! It is true that my daughter Julia told me for years to...

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The trace we leave behind

Whenever we say something, whenever we meet somebody, whenever we go somewhere, we leave a trace in the sense that after our encounter we have changed something. That change may be obvious and lasting, for example when a person that we talked to has an aha-moment. But...

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Is your traffic light always orange?

This is what my daughter Julia asked me when we were preparing to run an ultra-marathon. I did not understand her question, and she explained that one can train at three levels: red, orange, and green. Training at the red level involves going all out, it is a...

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Be open to serendipitous encounters

On a bike ride in Evergreen, Colorado, I encountered the elk shown in the picture next to the statue of Saint Francis of Assisi. This was an amazing encounter because Saint Francis is the patron of animals. I wanted to take a photo of this scene. Since I am clumsy...

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Running your life

This is not a post about running as a physical activity, running is a metaphor for the way in which our life unfolds. We can run the course of our life in different ways, we can run from something, we can run in circles, or we can run to something. These are different...

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Going against the grain

Stacking firewood by placing logs on their side allows logs to dry because the water does not infiltrate along cut ends. The image shows the woodpile of one of my neighbors. Since I love stacking and splitting firewood, I was intrigued by her woodpile and asked why...

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Roel Snieder

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