Going against the grain

Stacking firewood by placing logs on their side allows logs to dry because the water does not infiltrate along cut ends. The image shows the woodpile of one of my neighbors. Since I love stacking and splitting firewood, I was intrigued by her woodpile and asked why...

Just be kind

I was a junior professor, stressed and working myself to exhaustion yet still feeling inadequate both at work and at home. So, when three students from my introductory programming course came to my office at the end of the semester with concerns about their grades, I...

No autopilot!

This is what Eve Mozur, one of the teachers in the Teaching with Heart program, wrote in her intention for how she wants to show up in the classroom. Do you recognize the experience that you drive somewhere, and after you arrive at your destination you realize that...

Embodying Grace

The word grace refers to elegance that seems effortless, as in the image of the swan. Grace also points to a gift or talent that was not requested; she was graced with a kind heart. We normally don’t talk much about grace, but let’s ask the question how does grace...

We need Trust to be in the Flow

On top of a mountain, I witnessed a beautiful sight of clouds cascading down a ridge. The movement of the clouds was smooth and natural, it was driven by an invisible wind. The picture captures flow at its best; it comes naturally, it is harmonious, and it expresses...
Roel Snieder

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